Take exit 16 in the direction of Friedrichsdorf, Karben
Turn right onto L3041, direction Usingen, Wehrheim
Turn right onto Deutsche Limes-Straße
Turn right onto street „Am Joseph“
After 100 meters use the entrance on the right side
Arrival Am Joseph 15, »Base XV«
Approach via A5, coming from the south
Take the A5 towards Hannover
Take exit 17 onto the A661 towards Oberursel, Bad Homburg
Take exit 1 onto the B456 in the direction of Weilburg, Usingen
Drive onto Deutsche Limes-Straße in the direction of Wehrheim
In Wehrheim turn right onto street “Am Joseph”
After 100 meters use the entrance on the right side
Arrival Am Joseph 15, »Base XV«
Approach via A661, coming from the south
Take the A661 in the direction of Oberursel, Bad Homburg
Take exit 1 onto the B456 in the direction of Weilburg, Usingen
Continue on the German Limes Road
Turn right onto Am Joseph
After 100 meters use the entrance on the right side
Arrival Am Joseph 15, »Base XV«
Arrival by public transport
Travel by public transport is feasible, but is often not in the right time frame.
It is possible for us to pick up clients and business partners at Frankfurt Central Station or Frankfurt Airport. Please give us advance notice of your arrival.